Have No Fear Because Lizzy McAlpine is Here!


Anna Odell ’27
Social Media Manager

I was introduced to Lizzy McAlpine when her second album, five seconds flat, came out in 2022. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I hopped on the bandwagon because her song “ceilings” went viral on TikTok. However, I refuse to concede that it makes me any less of a fan.

five seconds flat is such a nostalgic album for me. It reminds me of the beginning and end of my senior year of high school and the trips to the beach I took with my closest friends, most of whom I don’t see anymore now that they are scattered across the country, living separate lives at their colleges. It helped me get through so many challenges that I experienced during that time of my life. 

When I found out that McAlpine was releasing a third album, I did not think it would be able to compare to five seconds flat. It’s safe to say, however, that my assumption was very wrong.

Each song on her new album, Older, elicited different but equally moving emotions while I listened, so it is only fair to individually explain what the top five songs on the album are for me and why. 

Come Down Soon

In first place is “Come Down Soon,” the second song on the album. I love how it is both calm and upbeat at the same time. McAlpine’s voice, which I can only describe as peaceful and smooth, is paired with a more fun melody. I appreciate the juxtaposition between not only her voice but the lyrics and the melody. She repeats, “Nothing this good’s ever really good for me. Oh it’ll come down soon,” which is honestly kind of depressing, but the fun music in the background distracts me from both her and my pain.

All Falls Down

My second favorite song is “All Falls Down” because, after experiencing the many minutes of sorrow that the other songs bring, listeners finally get a break with “All Falls Down.” This song makes me feel like a character in Animal Crossing or frolicking in a field and picking strawberries on a warm summer’s day. I appreciate how the lyrics are not nearly as heart-wrenching as the others. 


The break is over. Lizzy crushed my heart and soul once more. “Staying” is my third favorite song on the album for a few reasons, but mostly because it somehow reminds me of “When There Was Me and You” from the first High School Musical movie. McAlpine’s voice in this song is incredible, especially after the song’s first minute. It deserves a full 10/10 because I ignore the lyrics, save myself from utter despair, and listen only to the melody. 

Broken Glass 

“Broken Glass” is unbelievable. I love how the intensity of the song escalates gradually. The best way I can describe this song is ominous because it makes me feel like the ghost of a woman who had a rocky relationship with her husband, whom she is now haunting. The lyrics align with this narrative, so I would definitely recommend listening to this song. 

The Elevator

“The Elevator” is the first song on her album. Although it’s on the shorter side, it is still one of my favorites. The lyrics perfectly introduce the album as she says things like, “It wasn’t slow, it happened fast,” and “Can we stay like this forever? Can we be here in this room ’til we die?” Especially since the album is titled Older, these lyrics make me think of how quickly time passes. It feels like it was yesterday when I was 10 years old and telling my mom that I couldn’t wait to grow up, but now that I am grown, I refuse to think about or deal with aging at all!

The rest of the songs on the album are incredible, as well. They all deserve so much recognition, and I strongly recommend that people listen to the album all the way through. McAlpine is a talented songwriter who knows precisely how to tug on our heartstrings. Her album is so comforting because it is so relatable. It’s therapeutic to know that so many of our experiences are universal. One of the greatest things about the album is that listeners can interpret it differently depending on what you are going through. Whether you are dealing with platonic or romantic issues, Older has a song for you. 

I thought I wouldn’t love this album as much as I loved five seconds flat, but it is just as meaningful to me, just in a different way. I have a feeling that Older will have just as strong of an impact on me during this new phase of my life.

Photo Courtesy of The Harvard Crimson

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