DIVE Into the Enthusiasm of Admitted Students Day

May 1, 2024
Ella Young ’24 and Belén Yudess ’25 Staff Writer and Copy Editor Intern Admitted students flocked to Scripps on April 12 for the annual Admitted Students Day. The event allowed admitted students and their families to explore the variety of

The Latest

2024 Senior Exit Survey

May 2, 2024
We asked the graduating seniors to fill out an exit survey as they wrap up their time at Scripps.  Here are the

Pomelo Tree

May 2, 2024
Rebecca Allen Staff Writer ’25 A newborn in a sharkskin suit Falls in love, Speeding on the cosmic freeway Drinking lemon water

Patched Love

May 2, 2024
Aviva Vic Maxon ’24 Staff Writer patchwork heart, quilted in Gold, Red blood forming patterns turns, twists, tangles, pieces woven together —
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The Scripps Voice

More than a paper promoting neutrality and objectivity, we want to be a platform for radical voices, creative perspectives, marginalized identities, and uncompromising activism. Student journalism is crucial in today’s social and political climate and we want to be leading the movement towards truth and justice.

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