Patched Love

May 2, 2024
1 min read

Aviva Vic Maxon ’24
Staff Writer

patchwork heart, quilted in Gold,
Red blood forming patterns
turns, twists, tangles, pieces
woven together — through each other
patchwork from years ago, years yet to
come, from love, loss, learning
yearning, yesterdays, Yellow lying
leopards laughing in Green, grace
gallivanting girlhood, pruning Purple
palaces, plunging, ice cold
where life,
is only found
microscope in hand, deeper, farther
livelier than expected — patchwork
heart, quilted in Gold, gathered in
Silver, turned in Red, sprinkled in
Pink Orange Yellow sunsets, from the roof
and kitchen windows,
Blue sets in from deep roots, Greenies poking out
sprouting new

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