News·Scripps New Transparency and Accountability Committee strives for better communication Ellie Lakatos ’28 Staff Writer The new 13-member Transparency and Accountability Committee is hard at work. The committee started last semester but December 7, 2024
Food·Scripps Making Motley Favorites at Home Ellen Hu ’24 Staff Writer It has been a year since Scripps students have been deprived of drinks and treats from The March 23, 2021
Arts & Entertainment·Scripps Spotlight on Scripps Artist Jeannette Hunker Hannah Grunow ’22 Art Columnist/Photographer Meet one of Scripps College’s artists, Jeannette Hunker! Hunker, who enjoys both visual art and music, chose March 16, 2021
Scripps Scripps Professor Jane Mi Involved in Physical Altercation with BLM Protester Image is of the 1100 Block of El Centro Street in South Pasadena, where the incident occurred Amelie Lee and Maddy Yardumian December 3, 2020
Scripps Scripps Students Share Experiences Engaging in the College Community While Online Ellen Hu ’24 Staff Writer As students left campus due to COVID-19 concerns in March, Sonya Hadley ’23 recorded herself saying goodbye December 3, 2020
Scripps Scripps Scrapps Fights to Make a Sustainable Difference in Face of COVID-19 Shutdown Ellen Hu ’24 Staff Writer When the Scripps campus shut down in March, Scripps Scrapps student organizers Amalia Barrett ’21 and Caroline November 20, 2020
Scripps Scripps Alumna Uses College Experiences to Develop New Book, Here We Stand Ellen Hu ’24 Staff Writer In 2015, Scripps alumna Rena Patel ’19 had a revelation as she sat in Toll while listening November 20, 2020
Scripps Meet the First-Year Class President: Blessing Roland-Magaji Amani Khan ’23 Staff Writer Blessing Roland-Magaji ’24 was elected as the Class of 2024 SAS President following an election between several November 20, 2020
Scripps The Basics of Disciplinary Action at Scripps Niva Laurent ’24 Staff Writer Most students see a warning from their RA as the extent of disciplinary action on campus, but October 31, 2020
Scripps Scripps Students Await 2020 Elections Following Significant Engagement Helen Landau ’24 and her mother show written letters to unlikely voters. Niva Laurent ’24 Staff Writer There is less than a October 29, 2020
Scripps Members of Scripps Staff Incentivized to Terminate Relationship with the College through New Program Anna Liss-Roy ’20 and Priya Canzius ’20 Co-Editors in Chief 6 June 2020 Some members of the Scripps community may not return June 6, 2020
Scripps Where Are The “Emergency Funds” In This Emergency?: Investigating the Lack of Transparency and Effectiveness of Scripps Emergency Funds Jamie Jiang ’22 Guest Contributor When Jane Doe’s (real name redacted for privacy reasons) laptop broke down in early April, she found June 4, 2020
Scripps After Faculty Votes Against Universal Pass, Nobody Fails at Scripps Looks to the Future Madison Yarduman ’22 Copy Editor What started as a small collective of Scripps seniors of color requesting commencement fee refunds and Universal May 29, 2020
Scripps After Years of Student Organizing, Scripps Drops Sodexo Kendall Lowery ’22 Food Columnist/Copy Editor On May 15, Scripps President Lara Tiedens announced in an email that Scripps would not be May 29, 2020
Scripps Length of Time Scripps Alumni are Able to Keep their Emails is Extended to an Undetermined Date Priya Canzius ’20 Editor-in-Chief May 21, 2020 Following a campaign started by Kaela Fong ‘19 for Scripps students to be able to May 21, 2020
Scripps What is it like for Students Residing at Scripps During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Julia Cox ’23 Webmaster May 13, 2020 For the 14 students currently living on Scripps’ campus, the last two weeks have been May 13, 2020