Issue 9 Horoscopes: The Stars Effect on You

May 2, 2024
3 mins read

Alexandria Smith ’27
Staff Writer

Taurus ♉️: April 20 – May 20
Taurus, it is your season and you are ready for a fresh start! You may have been enjoying picking oranges off the trees and swimming in the pool. You may be feeling a strong urge to clean or get rid of unused belongings — go ahead and post your clothes on Depop. It will go fantastically. (Happy bday!)

Cancer ♋️: June 21 – July 22

Cancer, you are filled with new ideas and creativity and you need to share them with all of Scripps! This is your time to shine. You are well overdue for a fun craft project. Enjoy the outdoors, make a collage with your friends, and eat more ice cream from Mallot.

Gemini ♊️: May 21 – June 20
Gemini, you might have felt like your schoolwork hasn’t been going great, but don’t fret — rewards are on the way. You are going to kill your finals. The energy of the new moon in Aries is still looming, urging you to self-reflect before finals. Journaling is crucial to your success this month, so get yourself a new fancy pen for the journey.

Scorpio ♏️: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Scorpio, you are ready for the summer! You may have loved spending long hours at the pool and tanning. Get inspired to get back into your workout routine and to add something new to it. Hone in on that energy!

Libra ♎️: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
Libra, it is time for you to lean on others and stop self-isolating! You don’t need to do all that work alone. With the full moon in Scorpio coming you might feel an urge to splurge on something extra expensive, so go out with a friend, and even buy that second cream cheese at The Motley for 50 more cents.

Leo ♌️: July 23 – Aug. 22
Leo, it is time to enjoy your agenda and get back to planning your day! With Mercury entering retrograde you will have the urge to revamp your Google Calendar. Make sure to plan ahead! Big exciting things are coming to you this summer whether you know it or not. Take a nice planned picnic on the lawn and do some drawing with friends.

Sagittarius ♐️: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Sagittarius, it is time to embrace your adventurous nature! You are ready to make fun and exciting plans! Take that trip to LA before the end of the semester, go for a hike, or even just have a nice evening in the village. With the coming full moon in Scorpio, make sure to make time for enjoyment, and don’t spend too many hours in the library!

Virgo ♍️: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Virgo, it is your time to let go of the things that no longer serve you! Entering Taurus season you are feeling readier than ever to get a new outfit, or read a new book! Let go of something old and find something new. Enjoy a visit to a beautiful Scripps garden and let yourself be free.

Aries ♈️: March 21 – April 19
Aries, it is time to let everyone see how talented you are! Entering Taurus season, pick up a new hobby! Maybe you’ve been wanting to learn to play an instrument or you’ve been writing poetry — whatever it is, you are doing amazing! There is an attractive energy around you this month and you might find a lot of people come up to you and say hello in The Motley.

Pisces ♓️: Feb. 19 – March 20
Pisces, you have been having powerful dreams lately and it’s time to think hard about what they mean! With the movement of Venus into Aries you must get yourself sweet treats often and stay on top of your dream journaling. Summer is coming quickly, so seize the moment and do that thing you’ve been wanting to do all these months!

Capricorn, you may be feeling uneasy about your future or at a crossroads regarding big life decisions. Remember that it is okay to take the time to breathe and consider your options. You are allowed to be apprehensive or uncertain. Know that you are not alone and that you have a community who is ready to listen and support you in your endeavors.

Aquarius, it’s time to take a quick trip to the Hive or Makerspace to connect to your inner artists. Whether it’s creating a vision board, writing a sonnet, or trying out type setting for the first time, this is your moment to allow your creativity to blossom with the spring flowers.

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